My project can be found at:
My corrido: El gran Obregón josh giersch
Bienvenidos señoras y caballeros
escucha a mi canción
en la vida de un líder
el gran general Obregón
Welcome ladies and gentleman
listen to my song
on the life of a leader
the great general Obregon
escucha a mi canción
en la vida de un líder
el gran general Obregón
Welcome ladies and gentleman
listen to my song
on the life of a leader
the great general Obregon
Nacido en Sonora en 1880
crecía en prosperidad
antes de ser pobre
Ganaba dinero como un agricultor
crecía en prosperidad
antes de ser pobre
Ganaba dinero como un agricultor
Born in Sonora in 1880
He grew in prosperity
before being poor
He made money as a farmer
Obregón vivía vida
una simple vida
vida como un agricultor, haciendo difícil trabajo
él era feliz y apasionado
Obregón lived life
a simple life
life as a farmer, doing hard work
he was happy and passionate
Perdió una mujer y dos niños
triste sobre su vida
él seguía adelante
él aún tenía dos niños vivos
triste sobre su vida
él seguía adelante
él aún tenía dos niños vivos
He lost a wife and two children
Sorry about life
He passed on
He still had two living children
Dejando vida como un agricultor
Obregón unió el militar
y derrotó el enemigo
Leaving life as a farmer
Obregon joined the military
and defeated the enemy
con nuevo hombre en poder
el presidente fue botado
Obregón ahora un coronel
rápidamente contraatacó
with new men in power
the President was launched from power
Obregón now a colonel
quickly responded
Una fracasada convención constitucional
llevó a una tercero batalla
para general Obregón
Ganó la última batalla
A constitutional convention failed
led to a third battle
to General Obregon
He won the last battle
Obregón como presidente
construido muchas escuelas y bibliotecas
corrió un gobierno secular
con una iglesia católica enojada
President Obregon
built many schools and libraries
and ran a secular government
with an angry Catholic Church
Empezó comercio con los Estados Unidos
obteniendo reconocimiento diplomático de los Estados Unidos
presidente Obregón mejoró las vidas de su gente
dejando México un país fuerte
He began trade with the United States
obtaining diplomatic recognition from the United States
President Obregón improved the lives of his people
leaving Mexico a strong country
si esta es la final
de mi canción
pero el legado de Obregón
vendra nunca final
de mi canción
pero el legado de Obregón
vendra nunca final
yes this is the end
of my song
but the legacy of Obregon will never end
of my song
but the legacy of Obregon will never end
Yo estudié Alvaro Obregon un Mexican general quien ejemplo un revuelto en contra de lidar de Mexico en 1920. Alvaro Obregon asumió la presidencia después de Venustiano Carranza obtenio asesino, el contra de lidar. Yo estudiado Alvaro Obregon porque yo quiero ver como el impactado el historia de el United States y Mexico relaciones.
Después de Mexican revolucion, el dictador escapar y un nuevo lider entrar. Alvaro Obregon apoyo el presidente y departo el trabajo cuando un agricultor a juntar la militar y librar una batalla en contra de rebeldes búsqueda poder. Obregon gano pero el presidente perderse poderío después de derrocado desde politico de partido. Obregon librar una batalla en contra de liders. Un constitución convenciónes ocurrir y desacuerdo venir y personas partir. Un nuevo batalla ser luchó Obregónon alistarse en el oposición. Obregons hombres tenan un victorio y el alistarse en el gobierno cuando ministro de guerra y de como.
Como presidente, Obregón ser interesado en obtenía sostenía de United States y edificio nuevo escuelas. El tenia 1,000 nuevo escuelas y 2,000 biblioteca pública construido.México y la United States comenzó un petróleo comercio. La United States también prestan diplomático reconocimiento. Ecatólicoco iglesia odio Obregons laico política. Después de ganador un segundo término, el era asesinado en edad 48. El religioso política era la motivación detrás su asesinato.
Mexico y la United States relación no lo haría ser adónde es hoy sin Obregon. Ël recibió diplomatico reconocimiento y principio comercio. Obregon también satisfactoriamente terminó mucho desacuerdo entre la dos país. Obregon fortalecido Méxicos educación sistema, econommia y relacións cual ayudan el vidas de personas.
Corrido I studied:
I studied this Corrido because I wanted to get an idea on how many stanzas I could include and I wanted to see what part of Obregons life they talked about in the poem.
Project Reflection: For this project, we studied different Corridos and looked at different topics such as Cesar Chavez. We also looked at the Mexican war and looked at how the United States and Mexico relations have been with immigrants working in the United States and times where the United States has welcomed immigrant workers and times we haven’t. I then had to pick a historical event or person and picked Alvaro Obregon a Mexican general and president. I wrote a stanza and then made a website where I included my research paper, corrido and pictures.
I chose Alvaro Obregon because I was interested in how he went from a military career to politics. I was also interested in finding more information on the United States and Mexico relations. I read Obregon strengthened Mexico and the United States relations and wanted to see how he did that and also I wanted to know about how he did as president of Mexico. I wrote a 10 stanza corrido and made a website where I put information on Obregon and I included my corrido and research paper.
Three things I learned from the grammar is how to write a word in the imperfect form. I found how to write words in the past tense such as walked and instead I learned I would have to look up to walk and then put the word in the past tense form. I also learned more about writing the vocab in the masculine or feminine version. Three things I learned about the history of the US and Mexico relations is that Obregon was the first leader to receive diplomatic recognition from the US and that Mexico and the US started trade. The third thing I learned is that the US wanted workers from Mexico to come over and help during the world war but then after the war, the government sent the workers home. The most challenging part of this project was writing my paper in the correct form because I struggle with the different tenses. I overcame this by getting feedback on my paper and looking up the correct forms after I would get feedback.
Título: ¡Voy a sobrevivir! / I will survive!
For this project, we had to write a survival guide. We had to pick a Spanish speaking country and I picked Colombia as I did last year for my food project. I had to make a guide with information on the country for a tourist to use. It includes information on transportation, places to stay at and example conversations we may have. I also included information about the culture of the country and warnings on things to be aware about such as not trying to flag down a taxi in the street. I also got feedback from a spanish contact that Becca put me in touch with. He has been to Colombia and speaks spanish and was able to give me feedback for improving my guide. We also did example travel situations and acted them out. I wrote a skit with my partner, Grayson about an example situation when renting a room in Colombia.
Reflection /La Reflexión
¿Cuál parte fue lo más difícil? (Which part was the most difficult?)
The hardest part was the grammar in my paper and skit because I had lots of errors. With help, I was able to improve my paper.
La parte más difícil fue la gramática en mi papel y sketch porque yo tenido de errores. Con ayuda yo era capaz a mejorar mi papel.
¿Cuál parte fue lo más divertido? (Which part was the most fun?)
The funnest part was making the skit. I was able to include stuff knew from my paper to the skit.
La parte más divertida fue fabricación la sketch. Yo era capaz a incluí cosas de mi papel a la sketch.
¿De qué parte tienes orgullo? (What makes you proud about this project?)
I'm proud of how my paper turned out. I had lots of information from all the research I did.
Estoy orgullos(a) de mi papel convertido fuera. Yo tenido mucho de información de la investigación yo hizo.
¿Qué aprendiste por hacer este trabajo? (What did you learn by doing this project?)
I learned that Colombia is a unique country. The people are happy and the food is delicious!
Aprendí que Colombia es un único país. La personas son feliz y la comida es delicioso!
Here is my spanish survival guide:
I studied this Corrido because I wanted to get an idea on how many stanzas I could include and I wanted to see what part of Obregons life they talked about in the poem.
Project Reflection: For this project, we studied different Corridos and looked at different topics such as Cesar Chavez. We also looked at the Mexican war and looked at how the United States and Mexico relations have been with immigrants working in the United States and times where the United States has welcomed immigrant workers and times we haven’t. I then had to pick a historical event or person and picked Alvaro Obregon a Mexican general and president. I wrote a stanza and then made a website where I included my research paper, corrido and pictures.
I chose Alvaro Obregon because I was interested in how he went from a military career to politics. I was also interested in finding more information on the United States and Mexico relations. I read Obregon strengthened Mexico and the United States relations and wanted to see how he did that and also I wanted to know about how he did as president of Mexico. I wrote a 10 stanza corrido and made a website where I put information on Obregon and I included my corrido and research paper.
Three things I learned from the grammar is how to write a word in the imperfect form. I found how to write words in the past tense such as walked and instead I learned I would have to look up to walk and then put the word in the past tense form. I also learned more about writing the vocab in the masculine or feminine version. Three things I learned about the history of the US and Mexico relations is that Obregon was the first leader to receive diplomatic recognition from the US and that Mexico and the US started trade. The third thing I learned is that the US wanted workers from Mexico to come over and help during the world war but then after the war, the government sent the workers home. The most challenging part of this project was writing my paper in the correct form because I struggle with the different tenses. I overcame this by getting feedback on my paper and looking up the correct forms after I would get feedback.
For this project, we had to work in
assigned groups and make a video that could be a music video or a
comedy video but had to be almost like a corrido with each person
saying at least 50 words in the video. We had to use different
spanish forms. My group made a video using fruit as a comedy video.
We also had to make a worksheet with 10 questions for viewers to
answer after they watched the video.
Here is a link to our video:
My worksheet: 1.)
Infer what the line "Soy una naranja"
based on what you have heard so far.
2.) What does the line "Vivía en una granja" mean:
A.) They lived on a farm.
B.) He lived on a farm.
C.) You lived on a farm.
3.) Fill in the missing word. Es una naranja. __________ en una granja
4.) Which word is infinitive in the following line:
estaba caminando cuando
5.) What does la naranja mean? __________
6.) Infer why the faceless villain is being attacked when the orange says: No puedes vender mis animales.
7.) Which of these words is infinitive?:.
A.) Estan
B.) vivia
C.) vender
8.) Fill in the sentence with the word that would most likely be used in the sentence: Los animales ___ mis amigos
b.) las
c.) son
9.) Which word is a spanish preterite conjugation:
A.) caminar
B.) ganamos
10.) Fix the words so they match the preterite tense in the nosotros and ellos form:
A.) ganamar (nosotros form)
B.) ganamar (ellos form)
2.) What does the line "Vivía en una granja" mean:
A.) They lived on a farm.
B.) He lived on a farm.
C.) You lived on a farm.
3.) Fill in the missing word. Es una naranja. __________ en una granja
4.) Which word is infinitive in the following line:
estaba caminando cuando
5.) What does la naranja mean? __________
6.) Infer why the faceless villain is being attacked when the orange says: No puedes vender mis animales.
7.) Which of these words is infinitive?:.
A.) Estan
B.) vivia
C.) vender
8.) Fill in the sentence with the word that would most likely be used in the sentence: Los animales ___ mis amigos
b.) las
c.) son
9.) Which word is a spanish preterite conjugation:
A.) caminar
B.) ganamos
10.) Fix the words so they match the preterite tense in the nosotros and ellos form:
A.) ganamar (nosotros form)
B.) ganamar (ellos form)
hardest part was video editing. My video took a while, but I did
funniest part was my video. The orange fighting the villain was fun
to watch.
proud of my video. It was done very professionally.
como a edito mejor. Yo decidido a edito mi video y mejorado mi
learned how to edit better. I decided to edit my video and improved
my skills.
Título: ¡Voy a sobrevivir! / I will survive!
For this project, we had to write a survival guide. We had to pick a Spanish speaking country and I picked Colombia as I did last year for my food project. I had to make a guide with information on the country for a tourist to use. It includes information on transportation, places to stay at and example conversations we may have. I also included information about the culture of the country and warnings on things to be aware about such as not trying to flag down a taxi in the street. I also got feedback from a spanish contact that Becca put me in touch with. He has been to Colombia and speaks spanish and was able to give me feedback for improving my guide. We also did example travel situations and acted them out. I wrote a skit with my partner, Grayson about an example situation when renting a room in Colombia.
Reflection /La Reflexión
¿Cuál parte fue lo más difícil? (Which part was the most difficult?)
The hardest part was the grammar in my paper and skit because I had lots of errors. With help, I was able to improve my paper.
La parte más difícil fue la gramática en mi papel y sketch porque yo tenido de errores. Con ayuda yo era capaz a mejorar mi papel.
¿Cuál parte fue lo más divertido? (Which part was the most fun?)
The funnest part was making the skit. I was able to include stuff knew from my paper to the skit.
La parte más divertida fue fabricación la sketch. Yo era capaz a incluí cosas de mi papel a la sketch.
¿De qué parte tienes orgullo? (What makes you proud about this project?)
I'm proud of how my paper turned out. I had lots of information from all the research I did.
Estoy orgullos(a) de mi papel convertido fuera. Yo tenido mucho de información de la investigación yo hizo.
¿Qué aprendiste por hacer este trabajo? (What did you learn by doing this project?)
I learned that Colombia is a unique country. The people are happy and the food is delicious!
Aprendí que Colombia es un único país. La personas son feliz y la comida es delicioso!
Here is my spanish survival guide:
Country Specific Information.
U.S Department of Statre, 10 Mar. 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.
of Colombia., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013.
and Customs In Colombia.
COLEGIO BOLIVAR, 7 Feb. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2013.
Colombian Food." South America CL Guide , 11 Mar. 2013. Web. 18
Apr. 2013. <>.
Public Transportation." Hotel Travel, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.
Welcome to this Colombia survival
guide. The purpose of this guide is to ease anyone's travel when
visiting Colombia. This guide has different categories including
transportation when getting around the country, various foods and
example conversations when interacting with locals. The guide also
includes warning for a traveler's safety.
According to a late 2012 Gallup
international survey, Colombia was the happiest country in the world.
The people of Colombia are like regular US citizens. They work
during the week and enjoy doing many of the same things Americans
enjoy. Traveler's will find the Colombian people to be friendly,
helpful and trustworthy people. Many are willing to stop and help a
lost traveler get directions. Unlike some countries, Colombia boasts
a unique culture with very friendly people. Important
characteristics to know about Colombia is that the country suffers
from drug trafficking problems. The Colombian military has had a
political armed conflict with a rebel group since the mid 1900's. As
of 2012, the government and rebel group started a peace process that
has been making lots of progress that may put an end to the conflict
Food in Colombia:
Food in Colombia generally reflects the
people's Spanish tradition. Food is typically identified by size
rather then content. This is because Colombians traditionally have
large meals. Food will vary region by region. Some regions eat
roasted guinea pigs while other regions wouldn't even touch a roasted
guinea pig. One of the main diets is meat, but seafood is also a
popular meal. Lunch is the main meal of the day and dinner is just
considered a snack.
breakfast |
El desayuno |
dinner |
La Cena |
lunch |
El Almuerzo |
El bocadillo |
hungry |
La hambre
restaurant |
El restaurante |
food |
EL alimento |
table |
La mesa |
meal |
La comida |
El postre
May I have some water? Puedo tener agua ?
Si, yo le llevo una taza
Yes, let me get you a cup |
May I see a menu? Puedo ver una carta? |
Your menu is on the table. Su menú es en su mesa.
What is the special? Cuál es la especial? |
The meal is on the menu. La comida especial esta en la carta. |
How big is the meal? Cómo grande es la comida |
We serve large portions. Nosotros servir grande parte.
What is a favorite? Cuál es un plato favorito ? |
Many enjoy the meat
Muchos disfruta la carne. |
Tip: -Most Colombians tip at least 2000
pesos (1$)
-Colombians use more proper etiquette
when eating then American's do
-Look at the menus and ask questions
about food before sitting down to avoid the restaurant being out
When getting into a taxi
Transportation in Colombia is the same
as in many developed countries. Buses are a few extra dollars, but
worth the fee because the risks of robbery are extremely slim.
Driving between cities is highly discouraged because of the risks of
robbery and flying is recommended. Taxis are another form of safe
transportation. It's often hard to flag down a taxi, so tourists
should call ahead of time. Tourists should also make sure the taxi
meter starts when traveling to a destination, otherwise you have to
negotiate with the driver. Driving in a taxi at night is also about
1/3 more than the normal rate. Traveling by boat is very unusual and
not suggested.
El taxi |
Driver |
EL Conductor
Location/place |
El lugar
fare |
La tarifa |
cost |
El costo |
luggage |
El equipaje |
bag |
La bolsa |
To drive
conducir |
road |
La carretera |
restaurant |
El restaurante |
How much is the fare? Cuánto es la tarifa?
2,700 pesos 1.46 US dollars |
Please let me put my bag away? Por favor dejo yo pon mi bolsa
alejo? |
Yes, I will open the trunk. Si, yo voluntad abrir el tronco.
Please drive to Por favor conduzca a conducir
Yes, where do you want to go? Si, donde tu querré ir udsted?
Please drive slow Por favor conducir lento |
I will slow down. Yo voy más lento.
Where is a good restaurant? dónde es un bueno restaurante? |
What type of food do you enjoy? Que tipo de comida le gusta?
Tips: -Be sure you have the right
amount of money so you can pay the fare
-Always be alert if it looks your
going to the wrong location
-Never let a stranger in the car
-Enter only with a friendly driver
-Carry a map
Topic 3 Choice:
Colombian airports are very similar to
airports found throughout the United States. The Colombia government
warns all tourists to be aware of the risk being robbed. (Citizens
staying longer than 60 days must pay a 68,000 USD fine at the airport
counter.) The main airport is in Bogotá,
the capitol. Airports contain first
aid stations, atms, food counters and information desks.
Security |
La seguridad |
luggage |
El equipaje
flight |
El vuelo
airplane |
El plano |
destination |
El destino |
bag |
La bolsa |
seat |
El asiento
terminal |
El terminal |
taxi |
El taxi
Arrival time |
El Avion |
Where is the terminal? Donde es el terminal? |
In the front of the airport/ En el frente del aeropuerto |
Is there a delay? Hay un retrasar? |
Depends on the flight/Depende del vuelo
Where is the exit? Dónde es la
On the right side/Al lado derecho |
Where is the line? Dónde es la
cola? |
Around the corner/alrededor de la esquina
Is security fast? Es seguridad rapido?
Faster then in America/ Mas rapido que en America
When does the flight leave? Cuanto
tiempo es el vuelo dejar?
It will leave in one hour?
Sale voluntad en uno hora.
How long is the flight? Cuando largo es
el vuelo?
It will be a long flight
Es un vuelo largo.
Where do I put my luggage? Dónde
yo pon mi equipaje?
Near the terminal
Cerca del terminal
Information/tips: -Arrive 2 hours early
before a flight domestically, 3 hours internationally
-Be prepared to pay an airport tax
-Be prepared for going through security
immediately after you check in
-You also need a one way ticket to
enter the country, it's strictly enforced
Greetings/Leave Takings
In Colombia, the main language spoken
is Spanish. English is also spoken but many people also speak
indigenous languages. The most common way for people to greet each
other is by shaking hands. Culture also discourages the discussion
of politics and social politeness and proper etiquette are highly
encouraged at all times.
Hello |
Good morning |
Buenos dias
Good afternoon
Buenas tardes
Good evening |
Buenas noches
Hey |
What's up |
Qué pasa |
Hi there
Hola allí |
Hello there
Hola allí |
Good morning, how has your trip been?
Buenos días, como hasido tu viaje?
Good morning to you, my stay has been
Buenos días a ti, mi viaje ha sido
Well, have fun today
Bien, diviertase hoy.
Yes, thank you.
Si, gracias
Hotel |
El hotel
El motel |
La habitación |
Bucket shower |
La ducha de cubo
Front desk
La recepción |
Bed |
La cama |
To Sleep |
Dinner |
La cena |
El bungalow
La ciudad
Information box:
Colombia has a variety of sleeping
arrangements for when you travel. There are various bed and
breakfasts around the country but some hotels also can be nice. The
condition of your room will depend on how much you want to spend will
vary on the condition of your room. Some hotels even have bucket
showers and light that only coming from candles! Many tourists enjoy
staying by the beach, but it has been known to be more expensive then
a regular room in the city.
What is the price for a room?
15-20,000 Mil Colombian Peso
bills, 11 US dollars
Is there a hotel at the beach? Es hay un hotel en la playa? |
Yes, various hotels. Sí, varios hoteles. |
Is there a bed and breakfast? Hay un cama y desayuno? |
Yes, in the countryside. Si, en el campo.
How much per night? Cuanto por noche? |
15-20,000 Mil Colombian Peso
bills, 11 US dollars
Is the room clean? Es una habitación limpia |
Some old hotels are rundown, but overall clean. Algunos viejo
hotel son resumen, pero limpios por la general? |
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